The Islamic Multicultural Dawah Center In Helsinki
The Islamic multicultural dawah center is one of the well known Mosques in the Helsinki area. It was established in the year: 1999.
All Praise belongs to Allah, the place used to be a church but was later bought by a devoted Muslim brother and turned into a Mosque for the Sake of Allah. It is to be used by all Muslims who follow Quran and the Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). We ask Allah (swt) to reward this brother and his family with mansions in paradise, as promised by the Prophet Muhammad(Peace and blessings of Allah be onto him). Read more…
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Islamic Lectures and videos. This corner will be updated periodically and material will be added in accordance to what we see fit. Please feel free to suggest any lecture or video that would be of benefit to the cause of our Dawah. Thank you ! .. ...

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Q-For Quran
Join our mailing list to receive awesome stuff to: Build a habit of daily recitation QforQuran uses tried and tested psycho-cognitive methods to help you get started and stay committed. Create Quran recitation events Create hassle-free online recitation events, assig
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A website which has a extensive collection of topics and books written about the miracles of the Quran. Numeric Miracle, Astronomy & Space, Earth Science, Health & Medicine, Nature & Life Secrets of Quran & Sunnah, Legislative Miracles, Picture & Verse, Unseen Mi
Being totally convinced that this book (Let the Bible speak) contains good information about Thc Bible and The Holy Qu/aq The Dammam Islamic Dabah and Gridance center decided to reprint it again. But as we prepare to do the job we have noticcd that the copy that was available was to
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